Itʼs 23:38. Relaxing with some Drum and Bass music and sitting right to me is Roger from Estonia and Georgie from Bulgaria, and also three Herrenhäuser beers. Left is the vibrating subwoofer.
Jannes: Roger, George, how are you?
Roger: I feel....uhm..good. But I was tired because of the University movie we have seen in the International office of Universität Hannover. I was sleeping there, what a shame.
Georgie: I am fine. When I was in Poland, I said I am Georgie form Georgia...but I am from Bulgaria. Just had my country presentation an hour ago.
Jannes: What is your key learning experience today?
Georgie: Maraʼs Youth-in-Action presentation was great. It showed all the possibilities on EUʼs youth field.
Roger: The presentation was not boring. Mara was always giving examples. It was amazing and surprising. Regarding the intercultural card game activity today, we had to deal without language, so the new players on each of the card table wrote sth. down because we were strictly not allowed to use language.
Georgie: My main learning was also connected to the intercultural card game (Secret Rules ;)), and when we evaluated it, the gamesʼ adpation to immigration, itsʼ chances and problems were interesting.
Jannes: How did you like the quiz about Europe?
Roger:...we call it Kuldvillak in Estonia...
Jannes: I guess itʼs sth. like Jeopardy, where you get more money for more difficult questions.
Georgie: It was a good way to feel the EU close to us.
Roger: Embarassing for me: I did not know any answer. The other team was three-times stronger then us. It was like a sport for me. Heavy sport even, a true competition. Anyway, in Estonia we say: “When you lose, you actually win.”
Jannes: That sounds like Giuseppe saying today when he lost all rounds in the intercultural card game: “Bad in the game, good in the love.”
Roger: We also say “If you are not lucky in card games, then you are lucky in love.”
Jannes: Please tell me one positive and one negative experience from today.
Georgie: During our Bulgarian presentation tonight I again had problems with starting the songs at the right time, but this is a tradition in all of my like 20 Youth-in-Action and ERASMUS Bulgarian country presentations so far. My highlight today were the Herrenhäuser beautiful. I took many photos of the fountains and the ducks.
Roger: I was sometimes too tired and bored...I simply canʼt sit. I am too hyperactive.
Jannes: You need more Energizers, or what? (Info for readers: An Energizer is a small group activity for 5-10 minutes to learn names or to move around to keep active)
Roger: Maybe yes. Or more coffee.
Jannes: Thereʼs an Energizer, at least every two hours to keep you awake and active, but we will adapt your feedback of course.
Roger:...postive was: I like to communicate. Itʼs like you exchange jokes and conversations...and everything. I am Estonian, I think in an Estonian way....and I was forgetting Estonian and was already thinking in English language. When I start to talk with one of my four fellow Estonian delegates I accidentally started to speak English.
Jannes: Good to hear, this usually happens when you stay abroad for some weeks. What are you doing tonight?
Roger: Maybe the Italians go to Hannover City-centre again, they have another birthday everyday. And my birthday is tommorrow. Still amazed by my first flight, and the gravity effects on my stomach
Jannes: ...Just some final thoughts about the content. I mean, this is what the project is mainly about. I donʼt care about birthdays, hehe...
Georgie: It was a very useful day because there are not so many projects were youngsters are able to learn so much about their opportunities as a citizen of the EU. The presentation again of Youth-in-Action I remember...
Roger: What comes to my mind is the sharing with Romanians and their language. I can read their language, Russian alphabet, but I canʼt understand it. When we went eating, Romanians and Estonians are always sitting together, and I wonder why we always sit together. Germany is very new to me, itʼs my first time here...and unfortunately I dontʼt have so many chances to go there again.
On the picture: The blog team below. Left and right are two other delegates who just jumped into the picture (Reeli and Mailis) without requesting it