

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Day 7, the end of the project!

Again, sorry for the delay of this final blogpost of about one week. That left some time for reflection and final evaluation. The team worked on a evaluation and we found the weak, but also our strong organisational points. Your feedback sheets helped us a lot! Thanks again for filling them out. If delegates need our evaluation, to organise something similar, please contact us.

Big thanks to our camerateam (aspiring students of journalism!). Their documentary will be released in some weeks. It will be posted in our facebook group ( http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=135406246544914 --  There are already other videos posted)

From my and Mara's side, big thanks to Hamma, the initiator of this project and the head behing IKJA e.V. Here he is in the middle in front of some of our delegates:

It was great fun for us, the workshop leaders Mara and me. We learnt as much as we hoped you learnt, dear delegates. We all hope to see you soon again, in your home countries or back in Germany.

I hope this blog, representing just a very small part of our project and its' organisation, helps you to reflect what took place or where we have been.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In the name of the background and catch-all team I would like to thank you all for those instructive and exciting days!
    Thank you dear delegates for your engagement, Team-Spirit, your funny and nice moments!
    Thank you workshop leaders for your professionalism and dedication!
    Big thanks to you Hamma for your awesomeness and hands up for the next ideas and projects :))
